Teachers treat children equally fairly. Parents see their children as unequally great!…
Tag Archives: education
August 14, 2009
This mystayk counts!
This mystayk counts!…
July 7, 2009
The dickshenery end ey r heveng ey visyus fite!
The dickshenery end ey r heveng ey visyus fite!…
July 7, 2009
No Child Left Behind left our schools behind.
No Child Left Behind left our schools behind!…
July 5, 2009
Mi konstent prektaz et spelayng ez powduwzayng purrfat rayzultz!
Mi konstent prektaz et spelayng
ez powduwsayng purrfat rayzultz!…
March 7, 2009
People are slow learners. It takes them a lifetime to learn life’s lessons.
People are slow learners. It
takes them an entire lifetime
to learn their life’s lessons.…
February 11, 2009
Some people learn by seeing, some by listening, some by reading, some by doing, and some don’t.
Some people learn by seeing, some
by listening, some by reading, some
by doing, and some don’t.…
February 9, 2009