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Category Archives: Short TALL tales

short TALL tales are far-out fiction, often masquerading as reality. At first they may seem as true to life as the Mountain Man Insights. Your good sense of humor will soon detect that they are imaginative make-believe. Try this mischievous fun when you are in the mood for more than a touch of insanity!

The politician was found guilty of destroying schools, and sentenced to spend a year in a classroom.

The politician was found guilty of destroying schools, and sentenced to spend a year in a classroom.…

It’s a week since Hell froze over. Still no word of any survivors.

It’s a week since Hell froze over.  Still no word of any survivors.…

20% surcharge for any services prohibited by law.

20% surcharge for any services prohibited by law.…

The Devil has been seen frequently in Washington, but everyone denies ever having talked to him.

The Devil has been seen frequently in Washington, but everyone denies ever having talked to him.…

He is a digital anametric oblicity specialist. What’s that?

He is a digital anametric oblicity specialist.

What’s that?…

Congressional Pay is Cut in Half: VAM, (Value Added Measurement), shows a steep plunge in Congressional productivity.

Congressional Pay is Cut in Half

VAM, (Value Added Measurement), shows a steep plunge in Congressional productivity.…

The new program will help to abate Congress.

The new program will help to abate Congress.…